SecureTransport - SSL Certificate Checker
SecureTransport has
its own built in certificate authority which is used to generate certificates
for the HTTPD, SSHD, ADMIND and other services.
Information on when
certificates are valid from and when they are due to expire can be reviewed
from the administrative interface of the SecureTransport Server (Setup > Certificates).
While you can manually review the validity dates, it is possible to automate this using PowerShell. The script uses OpenSSL (bundled with SecureTransport) to check certificates.
The $threshold variable specifies the number of days prior to expiration that will trigger an email notification to be sent; this is set to 60 days.
Note the script requires you have PowerShell 2.0 deployed on the server. The source code is also available on GitHub
- The variables $OpenSSLLocation, $CertificateStoreLocation , $OpenSSLConfFile to reflect the path to your SecureTransport installation
- The variables $mailTo, $mailFrom, $SMTPServer will need to be modified to reflect your environment.
The $threshold variable specifies the number of days prior to expiration that will trigger an email notification to be sent; this is set to 60 days.
Note the script requires you have PowerShell 2.0 deployed on the server. The source code is also available on GitHub
- <#
- Check expiry dates of SecureTransport Certificates
- Produces a HTML based report of all SecureTransport certificates and when they are due to expire.
- This version of the script currently checks the admind, httpd, sshd,ca and tm certificates.
- It does not check any intermediate CA certificates from third parties.
- .PARAMETER ReportPath
- Specify the full path to where the report should be saved E.g. C:\certificate_reports\
- check-cert-expiry.ps1 -ReportPath C:\output\
- File Name : check-cert-expiry.ps1
- Author : Vijay Thakorlal
- Requires : PowerShell V2
- To Do :
- #>
- param(
- [ValidateScript({
- $vr = Test-Path $_
- if(!$vr){Write-Host "The provided path $_ is invalid!"}
- $vr
- })][String]$ReportPath
- )
- # Enable debugging output
- $DebugPreference = "continue"
- Write-Output "Starting certificate validity checker script run at: $(Get-Date)"
- # HTML Report File Location
- if( $ReportPath.Length -eq 0 )
- {
- $ReportPath = "C:\"
- }
- $ReportFile = Join-Path $ReportPath "certificate_report.html"
- Write-Output "Report will be written to $ReportFile"
- ## Get the hostname
- $servername = $env:COMPUTERNAME
- # Set location of the openssl command / binary and certificate store
- # based on the server name
- $OpenSSLLocation= "c:\Program Files\Tumbleweed\SecureTransport\STServer\bin\"
- $CertificateStoreLocation = "C:\Program Files\Tumbleweed\SecureTransport\STServer\lib\certs\"
- $OpenSSLConfFile = "C:\Program Files\Tumbleweed\SecureTransport\STServer\etc\ssl\openssl.cnf"
- # Set the OPENSSL_CONF environment variable to point to the
- # OpenSSL Configuration file
- $env:OPENSSL_CONF = $OpenSSLConfFile
- ## If the certificate is due to expire in $threshold days or less then report this
- $threshold = 60
- ## Certificate file names
- $cert_names = @()
- Get-ChildItem $CertificateStoreLocation -Filter "*-crt.pem" | % { $cert_names += ($_.FullName).ToString() }
- Get-ChildItem ($CertificateStoreLocation + "db") -Filter "*-crt.pem" | % { $cert_names += ($_.FullName).ToString() }
- $PrevWD = Get-Location
- ## BEGIN FUNCTION Get-CertInfo
- function Get-CertInfo ($cert_to_check, $expiry_threshold)
- {
- # DO NOT use anything but WRITE-DEBUG within this function otherwise the output will be passed into the pipeline
- # and into the object which will then be used to produce the HTML report
- Set-Location $OpenSSLLocation
- $CurrentDir = Get-Location
- #Write-Debug "Current Location is: $CurrentDir"
- Write-Debug "Checking certificate $cert_to_check"
- # We use hash variables to store the parameters to ensure PowerShell
- # correctly runs the external command line tool properly
- $OpenSSL = "openssl.exe"
- $params_date = @("x509","-dates","-in",$($cert_to_check),"-noout")
- $params_subject = @("x509","-in",$($cert_to_check),"-subject","-noout")
- [string]$cert_dates = & $OpenSSL $params_date
- $cert_dates -match "notAfter=(?<month>[A-z]{3})\s\s(?<day>\d{1}) (?<time>\d{2}\:\d{2}\:\d{2}) (?<year>\d{4})" | Out-Null
- $cert_expiry_date = [system.datetime] ($ + $matches.month + $matches.year)
- $todays_date = Get-Date
- $days_to_expiry = ($cert_expiry_date - $todays_date).Days
- [string]$cert_subject = & $OpenSSL $params_subject
- #Find the common name of the certificate from within the output from the command using a RegEx
- $cert_subject -match "/CN=(?<commonname>.*)" | Out-Null
- $cert_cname = $matches.commonname
- $cert_type = ""
- if( $cert_to_check -like "*http*" ) { $cert_type = "HTTP" }
- elseif ( $cert_to_check -like "*admin*" ) { $cert_type = "Admin Interface" }
- elseif ( $cert_to_check -like "*ssh*" ) { $cert_type = "SSH" }
- elseif ( $cert_to_check -like "*tm*" ) { $cert_type = "Transaction Manager" }
- elseif ( $cert_to_check -like "*ca*" ) { $cert_type = "CA Certificate" }
- Write-Debug "The $cert_type certificate with the Common Name: $cert_cname is due to expire in $days_to_expiry days"
- if ($days_to_expiry -le $expiry_threshold )
- {
- # If the certificate is expiring highlight it by making the font colour red
- # We're using custom tags as a means to replace this with < and > tags otherwise
- # the ConverTo-HTML cmdlet will attempt to translate / parse this
- $hl_cert_type = "xopenFont color=Redxclose{0}xopen/Fontxclose" -f $cert_type
- $hl_cert_cname = "xopenFont color=Redxclose{0}xopen/Fontxclose" -f $cert_cname
- $hl_cert_to_check = "xopenFont color=Redxclose{0}xopen/Fontxclose" -f $cert_to_check
- $hl_cert_expiry_date = "xopenFont color=Redxclose{0}xopen/Fontxclose" -f $cert_expiry_date
- $hl_days_to_expiry = "xopenFont color=Redxclose{0}xopen/Fontxclose" -f $days_to_expiry
- $props = @{'Certificate Type'=$hl_cert_type
- 'Common Name'=$hl_cert_cname
- 'File Name'=$hl_cert_to_check
- 'Expiry Date'=$hl_cert_expiry_date
- 'Days to Expiry'=$hl_days_to_expiry}
- }
- else
- {
- $props = @{'Certificate Type'=$cert_type
- 'Common Name'=$cert_cname
- 'File Name'=$cert_to_check
- 'Expiry Date'=$cert_expiry_date
- 'Days to Expiry'=$days_to_expiry}
- }
- $obj = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $props
- Write-Output $obj
- } ## END FUNCTION Get-CertInfo
- $expiring = $false
- $fraghash = @()
- if( $cert_names -ne $null -or $cert_names.length -ne 0 )
- {
- foreach ($certificate_type in $cert_names)
- {
- $cert_object = Get-CertInfo $certificate_type $threshold
- # Extract number of days to expiry from within custom tags
- $expiry_val = ($cert_object."Days To Expiry").Replace("xopenFont color=Redxclose", "")
- $expiry_val = [int]$expiry_val.Replace("xopen/Fontxclose", "")
- if ($expiry_val -le $threshold ) { $expiring = $true }
- $fraghash += $cert_object
- }
- }
- else
- {
- Write-Output "Error: No certificate files found exiting script..."
- exit
- }
- $head = @'
- <title>Certificate Validity Report</title>
- <style>
- body { background-color:#dddddd;
- font-family:Tahoma;
- font-size:12pt; }
- td, th { border:1px solid black;
- border-collapse:collapse; }
- th { color:white;
- background-color:black; }
- table, tr, td, th { padding: 2px; margin: 0px }
- table { margin-left:50px; }
- </style>
- '@
- $rundate = Get-Date
- $precontent = @"
- <h1>Certificate Validity Report</h1>
- <br />
- <table>
- <tr><th>Computername</th><td>$($servername)</td></tr>
- <tr><th style="text-align:left">Run Date</th><td>$($rundate)</td></tr>
- </table>
- <br />
- "@
- Write-Output "Generating HTML report"
- $fraghash = $fraghash | ConvertTo-Html -As Table -Fragment
- # Replace the tag place holders to highlight certs that are expiring in red
- # This uses a hack suggested by Jeffrey Hicks
- $fraghash=$fraghash -replace "xopen","<"
- $fraghash=$fraghash -replace "xclose",">"
- #insert a blank line
- $fraghash+="<br>"
- if( $expiring )
- {
- $action_msg="<p>Found certificates that are expiring in less than or equal to $threshold days. Please start the process of planning for the renewal of these certificates</p>
- <p>Self-signed certificates can be regenerated from within SecureTransport.</p>"
- $fraghash+=$action_msg
- }
- ConvertTo-HTML -head $head -PostContent $fraghash -PreContent $precontent > $ReportFile
- # Modify these variables to match your environment
- $mailSubject = "SecureTransport Certificate Validity Report"
- $mailTo = ""
- $mailFrom = ""
- $SMTPServer = ""
- Send-MailMessage -SmtpServer $SMTPServer -From $mailFrom -To $MailTo -Subject $mailSubject -BodyAsHtml $action_msg -Attachments $ReportFile
- Write-Output ""
- Write-Output "CERTIFICATE VALIDITY REPORT SENT TO: $mailTo # FROM: $mailFrom # SUBJECT: $mailSibject # MAILMSG: $action_msg"
- Write-Output ""
- Write-Output "Script finished and report produced"
- Write-Output ""
- Set-Location $PrevWD
Hi vijay ,
ReplyDeleteYour blogs are awesome, I have on project where i need to upload some files on some state server where they use tumbleweed for secure transport..currently they provide GUI for us to upload files and we don't want to use that GUI.instead we want to write a script that will upload the files from our servers to there FTP.
can you provide any input to me to how to go about it and which client i can use to upload the files using command line utility and make script like .ps1 or .vbs and then schedule it.
Thanks and Regards,
I would suggest using the WinSCP .NET C# library to write an application that can SFTP data to Axway. If you preferred to use only PowerShell I think you could load the assembly through PowerShell too and write the entire thing in PowerShell then add it as a scheduled task on a Windows Server.