SecureTransport - File Retention
"Out of the box" SecureTransport (ST)
does not provide a means to apply any data retention policies to delete files that
have been transferred after a specified period of time. While you could request
users delete files after they have transferred them, it’s preferable to implement
an automated policy. Axway’s custom development group can provide this functionality
at an additional cost. However, an alternative is to roll your own script for this.
As I have deployed ST on Windows the two scripts
are based on a Windows based deployment although the first could also be used on
Linux. You should modify and test these scripts to suit your own environment and use case.
Option 1 - Cygwin Shell Script
SecureTransport on Windows relies on a number
of components which run under Cygwin – Axway don’t seem to have fully ported the
application to Windows yet. ) The script provided below can be executed as a
cron job every day which will delete all files with a modification time older
than 30 days (or whatever retention policy you wish to implement).
I realised I forgot to post the link to the shell script (oops), but the code is now on GitHub at
I realised I forgot to post the link to the shell script (oops), but the code is now on GitHub at
You will want to edit the file to change the TARGET_DIR variable to point to where the user home folders reside and the LOG_PATH variable to SecureTransport's var\logs directory. In doing so you'll have to enter Cygwin style paths i.e. /drives/c/some/path/ rather than Windows paths C:\some\path.
The file should be copied to the following
directory (where D:\ should be changed to the drive where ST is installed)
Files (x86)\Tumbleweed\SecureTransport\STServer\bin\
Next the script needs to be scheduled to
run by creating a cron job entry:
- Open a Windows command prompt
- Type “D:\Program Files (x86)\Tumbleweed\SecureTransport\cygwin\”
- Type Cygwin.bat to open a Cygwin shell
- Type cd /var/cron/tabs
- Type chmod 677 SYSTEM
This will change
the permissions of the file so you can save your changes. While you can do this
from windows, it's simpler to do it from a shell because in Windows you'll have
to take ownership before you can give the administrator user write permissions.
- Type “vim SYSTEM” to edit the file
After changing
the permissions you can edit the file with wordpad / notepad but it is
preferable to use vim from within the shell to avoid any DOS vs UNIX file
format issues that lead to cron being unable to read the file.
- Type “shift-g” to go to the last line of the file
- Type the letter ‘o’ to enable editing mode and enter a new line
- Type the following line to the file to schedule the script to run on the 28th day of every month at 11:30 pm:
30 23 * 28 * "/drives/d/Program Files (x86)/Tumbleweed/SecureTransport/STServer/bin/" >> /tmp/ fileretention.out 2>&1
This should all be on one line.
- Type ‘:wq’ to save the file and exit
- Type exit
the cron service after making changes to this file. To do this, start Task Manager, select the Services tab and find the cygwin_cron service in the list, right-click it, and select Stop Service and then select it again
and select Start Service.
Option 2 - PowerShell Script
advantage of PowerShell over the Cygwin shell script is that it is simpler to
modify and extend as necessary because it does not rely on the Cygwin
environment used by SecureTransport.
The script provided at the end of this post can be added as a Windows Scheduled Task that runs every day. The script is a modified version of a script written by Marcus Lerch - so all credit goes to Marcus. The only modification being the addition of a log file parameter that allows you to log all files that have been deleted to a file.
The script
uses a number of parameters as shown below (refer to the comments within the script for details of the meaning / purpose of the parameters). The example below assumes the user home folders are under the path "E:\PathToHomeFolders".
.\Remove-Files.ps1 -Path “E:\PathToHomeFolders\” –Recurse -KeepDays 30 –LogFile D:\scripts\remove-files-log.txt
The scheduled task will need to run with appropriate permissions to allow the script to delete file. The following should be entered in the Program field of the scheduled task creation wizard:
The following should be entered in the in the Add argument (optional) field:
-NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Command "& d:\scripts\Remove-Files.ps1 -Path “E:\PathToHomeFolders\” –Recurse -KeepDays 30 –LogFile d:\scripts\remove-files-log.txt; exit $LASTEXITCODE"
The –NoProfile is used to make sure that nothing in the PowerShell profile interferes with the task. If the Execution Policy does not allow running scripts the -ExecutionPolicy parameter allows an exception to be made for this task only. The –Recurse parameter will cause the script to recursively inspect sub-folders. The –KeepDays parameter specifies only to keep files for up to 30 days if a file is older than that it is deleted. The –LogFile parameter causes a record of the files that are deleted to be kept in the specified log file, in this case remove-files-log.txt, this file must be created before executing the script. After 60 days the entries in the log file will be overwritten to prevent he file from becoming too large. The last portion “exit $LASTEXITCODE”, causes the exit code from the script to be reported to the Windows Task Scheduler.
PowerShell Code
- <#
- Script to delete old and/or obsolete files
- The script Remove-Files is used to remove old and/or obsolete files from the
- target directory. It can delete files that are older than a specified amount of
- time or older than a specified date or it can delete the oldest files in the
- directory keeping any number of recent files.
- A filter for specific files can be applied, so it is possible to delete only a
- certain type of files.
- .PARAMETER KeepFiles
- Sets the number of files to keep. In combination with KeepDays or Date it
- preserves at least the number of files set.
- Directory path where the files should be deleted. If the path contains blanks it
- needs to be enclosed in double quotation marks
- Removes the files created before the specified date
- Removes the files older than specified days before actual date
- .PARAMETER Recurse
- Removes the files in the specified location and in all subdirectories
- .PARAMETER Extension
- Removes only files that have the specified extension, for instance *.log
- Writes the full path to the the files deleted in the specified log file
- .Example
- .\Remove-Files.ps1 -Path .\Testing -KeepFiles 3 -Recurse
- Description
- -----------
- Removes all but the newest 3 files from the directory .\Testing and all subdirectories
- .Example
- .\Remove-Files.ps1 -Path .\Testing -KeepDays 7
- Description
- -----------
- Removes all files older 7 days from the directory testing
- .Example
- $date = (get-Date).AddMonth(-1)
- .\Remove-Files.ps1 -Path .\Testing -Date $date -Extension *.txt
- Description
- -----------
- Removes all textfiles older than one month from directory .\Testing
- File Name : Remove-Files.ps1
- Author : Marcus Lerch
- Source :
- Modified by : Vijay Thakorlal
- Modifications : Added LogFile parameter and logging capability
- #>
- #region Parameter
- [cmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$true)]
- param(
- [Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $true)]
- [ValidateScript({
- $vr = Test-Path $_
- if(!$vr){Write-Host "The provided path $_ is invalid!"}
- $vr
- })][String]$Path,
- [String][ValidatePattern("\.[a-z]{2,5}")]$Extension,
- [Int]$KeepFiles,
- [ValidateScript({
- if($Date){$vr = $false; write-host "Parameter error see get-help .\Remove-Files.ps1"}
- else{$vr = $true}
- $vr
- })][Int]$KeepDays,
- [ValidateScript({
- if($KeepDays){$vr = $false; write-host "Parameter error see get-help .\Remove-Files.ps1"}
- else{$vr = $true}
- $vr
- })][DateTime]$Date,
- [ValidateScript({
- $vr = Test-Path $_ -PathType leaf
- if(!$vr){Write-Host "The provided logfile $_ is does not exist!"}
- $vr
- })][String]$LogFile,
- [int]$FileSize=0,
- [Switch]$Recurse
- )
- #endregion
- ## Clear out the log file after say 60 days to prevent the file from getting too big
- $LogFileProperties = Get-Item $LogFile
- $OlderThanXDays = 60
- $NumDaysOld = ( (Get-Date) - $LogFileProperties.CreationTime).Days
- if ( $NumDaysOld -gt $OlderThanXDays )
- {
- Write-Host "Log file is $NumDaysOld days old, overwriting contents of the log file..."
- Write-Output "" | Out-File -FilePath $LogFile
- # Reset file creation time, otherwise the file will be overwritten on the next run of the script
- $LogFileProperties.CreationTime = Get-Date
- }
- Write-Output "$(Get-Date) : Starting file retention script run" | Out-File -FilePath $LogFile -Append
- #region Functions
- function Remove-BeforeDate
- {
- param(
- [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][DateTime]$TargetDate,
- [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][Int]$Keep,
- [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][Object[]]$Files
- )
- $Files = $Files | sort-object -Property PSParentPath,LastWriteTime -Descending | Group-Object -Property PSParentPath
- $FileList = @()
- foreach ($Group in $Files){
- $i=1
- Foreach ($item in $Group.Group){
- if($Item.LastWriteTime -lt $TargetDate -and $i -gt $Keep){
- $FileList += $Item
- }
- $i++
- }
- }
- return $FileList
- }
- function Remove-Oldest
- {
- param(
- [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][Int]$Keep,
- [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][Object[]]$Files
- )
- #Select all files except the most recent specified number of files
- $Files = $Files | sort-object -Property PSParentPath,LastWriteTime -Descending | Group-Object -Property PSParentPath | Where-Object {$_.count -gt $KeepFiles}
- $FileList = @()
- foreach ($Group in $Files){
- $i=1
- foreach ($Item in $Group.Group){
- if ($i -gt $Keep){
- $FileList += $Item
- }
- $i++
- }
- }
- return $FileList
- }
- function Remove-Files
- {
- foreach ($File in $Files2Delete){
- if($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess($File.FullName, "Delete File")){
- Remove-Item -LiteralPath $File.FullName
- Write-Output "$(Get-Date) : Deleting file $($File.FullName)" | Out-File -FilePath $LogFile -Append
- }
- }
- }
- #endregion
- #region Main
- #Get the files
- if ($Recurse){$RecOption = "-Recurse"}
- if ($Extension){$ExtOption = "-Filter *$Extension"}
- $strGetChild = "Get-ChildItem -Path `"$Path`" $RecOption $ExtOption | Where-Object {`$_ -is [System.IO.FileInfo]}"
- $cbGetChild = [scriptblock]::Create($strGetChild)
- $Files = @(Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $cbGetChild)
- $Files = $Files | Where-Object {$_.Length -ge $FileSize}
- if($KeepDays){
- #Select the files before the specified date
- $Files2Delete = @(Remove-BeforeDate -TargetDate ((Get-Date).AddDays(-$KeepDays)) -Files $Files -Keep $KeepFiles)
- }
- elseif($Date){
- #Select the files before the specified date
- $Files2Delete = Remove-BeforeDate -TargetDate $Date -Files $Files -Keep $KeepFiles
- }
- else{
- $Files2Delete = Remove-Oldest -Keep $KeepFiles -Files $Files
- }
- if ($Files2Delete -eq $null -or $Files2Delete.Length -eq 0){
- #Write-Host "Nothing to delete!"
- Write-Output "$(Get-Date) : No files found to delete!" | Out-File -FilePath $LogFile -Append
- }
- else {
- Remove-Files $Files2Delete
- }
- Write-Output "$(Get-Date) : Completed file retention script run" | Out-File -FilePath $LogFile -Append
- #$Files2Delete
- #endregion
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